Every woman is beautiful, and that beauty shines brightest when you decide to be yourself, [...]
Sizzling pancake バインセオ (Banh Xeo) Bánh xèo [...]
Grilled skewers 焼き串 (Yakikushi) Xiên que nướng [...]
Mushroom with chili dipping sauce キノコと唐辛子のディップ Nấm nhúng ớt [...]
Five-color spring rolls Gỏi cuốn ngũ sắc [...]
Fried vegetables Rau củ chiên [...]
Congee hotpot Lẩu chao [...]
Hand-held rice Cơm tay cầm [...]
Flying noodles Mỳ bay [...]
MAHA VEGETARIANO Address: No. 2 Nguyen Xuan Khoat Street, An Hai Ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang City Email: [email protected] Hotline: 0933 034 488